Product Description: Exquisite 30 Red Roses in Basket
This stunning arrangement features 30 velvety red roses, meticulously arranged in a tiered design. The roses are bound together with a delicate red ribbon, adding a touch of elegance. The bouquet is nestled in a woven basket, adorned with lush green leaves for a natural and vibrant look.
Perfect for:
Anniversaries: Celebrate your special day with this romantic and timeless bouquet.
Valentine's Day: Express your love and affection with this passionate display of red roses.
Birthdays: Wish a loved one a happy birthday with this vibrant and celebratory arrangement.
Special Occasions: Show your appreciation and gratitude for someone special with this elegant gift.
Key Features:
- 30 red roses
- Tiered design
- red ribbon accent
- Woven basket
- Lush green leaves
Order today and experience the beauty and fragrance of this exquisite bouquet.